(Microsoft365 64bit環境推奨)
G-Tool1-A01 からのつづき
Option Explicit
' 列表示変更
Sub A_One_A()
If Application.ReferenceStyle = xlR1C1 Then
Application.ReferenceStyle = xlA1
Application.ReferenceStyle = xlR1C1
End If
If ActiveWorkbook.Name <> ThisWorkbook.Name Then
Windows(ThisWorkbook.Name).WindowState = xlMinimized
End If
End Sub
' マージ
' 選択セルを結合し、左寄せ、中央揃え、1文字インテンド
Sub Merge()
With Selection
.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
.HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
.WrapText = True
'.ShrinkToFit = False
.MergeCells = True
.InsertIndent 1
End With
If ActiveWorkbook.Name <> ThisWorkbook.Name Then
Windows(ThisWorkbook.Name).WindowState = xlMinimized
End If
End Sub
' アクティブセルの列を数値に変更
' ※ タイトル行の下のセルを選択して実行する
' エラー値、大量データ対応Ver.
Sub CvtToVal()
Dim MaxRow As Long
Dim R As Range
Dim i As Long
Dim x As Long
Dim colNO As Long
Dim myArray1 As Variant
Dim myArray2 As Variant
Dim sttRow As Long
Dim endRow As Long
Dim maxNo As Long
Const PROsName = "CvtToVal"
maxNo = 25000
Set R = ActiveCell
sttRow = R.Row
colNO = R.Column
endRow = 0
With ActiveSheet
MaxRow = .Cells(Rows.Count, R.Column).End(xlUp).Row
If (MaxRow - sttRow) < maxNo Then
x = 1
x = Application.WorksheetFunction.RoundUp((MaxRow - sttRow) / maxNo, 0)
End If
For x = 1 To x
If sttRow + maxNo > MaxRow Then
endRow = MaxRow
endRow = sttRow + maxNo
End If
myArray1 = .Range(.Cells(sttRow, colNO), .Cells(endRow, colNO))
ReDim myArray2(LBound(myArray1) To UBound(myArray1))
.Range(.Cells(sttRow, colNO), .Cells(endRow, colNO)). _
NumberFormatLocal = "#0"
For i = LBound(myArray1) To UBound(myArray1)
If IsError(myArray1(i, 1)) Then
myArray2(i) = myArray1(i, 1)
ElseIf myArray1(i, 1) <> "" Then
If IsNumeric(myArray1(i, 1)) Then
myArray2(i) = Val(myArray1(i, 1))
myArray2(i) = myArray1(i, 1)
End If
myArray2(i) = ""
End If
Next i
.Range(.Cells(sttRow, colNO), .Cells(endRow, colNO)) = _
Erase myArray1
Erase myArray2
sttRow = endRow + 1
Next x
End With
Erase myArray1
Erase myArray2
If ActiveWorkbook.Name <> ThisWorkbook.Name Then
Windows(ThisWorkbook.Name).WindowState = xlMinimized
End If
End Sub
' アクティブセルの列を文字列に変更
' ※ タイトル行の下のセルを選択して実行する。
' エラー値、大量データ対応Ver.
Sub CvtToStr()
Dim MaxRow As Long
Dim R As Range
Dim i As Long
Dim x As Long
Dim colNO As Long
Dim myArray1 As Variant
Dim myArray2 As Variant
Dim sttRow As Long
Dim endRow As Long
Dim maxNo As Long
Const PROsName = "CvtToStr"
maxNo = 25000
Set R = ActiveCell
sttRow = R.Row
colNO = R.Column
endRow = 0
With ActiveSheet
MaxRow = .Cells(Rows.Count, R.Column).End(xlUp).Row
If (MaxRow - sttRow) < maxNo Then
x = 1
x = Application.WorksheetFunction.RoundUp((MaxRow - sttRow) / maxNo, 0)
End If
For x = 1 To x
If sttRow + maxNo > MaxRow Then
endRow = MaxRow
endRow = sttRow + maxNo
End If
myArray1 = .Range(.Cells(sttRow, colNO), .Cells(endRow, colNO))
ReDim myArray2(LBound(myArray1) To UBound(myArray1))
.Range(.Cells(sttRow, colNO), .Cells(endRow, colNO)). _
NumberFormatLocal = "@"
For i = LBound(myArray1) To UBound(myArray1)
If IsError(myArray1(i, 1)) Then
myArray2(i) = myArray1(i, 1)
ElseIf myArray1(i, 1) <> "" Then
myArray2(i) = CStr(myArray1(i, 1))
myArray2(i) = ""
End If
Next i
.Range(.Cells(sttRow, colNO), .Cells(endRow, colNO)) = _
Erase myArray1
Erase myArray2
sttRow = endRow + 1
Next x
End With
Erase myArray1
Erase myArray2
If ActiveWorkbook.Name <> ThisWorkbook.Name Then
Windows(ThisWorkbook.Name).WindowState = xlMinimized
End If
End Sub
' アクティブセルの列を短い日付に変更
' ※ タイトル行の下のセルを選択して実行する。
' エラー値、大量データ対応Ver.
Sub CvtToDate()
Dim MaxRow As Long
Dim R As Range
Dim i As Long
Dim x As Long
Dim colNO As Long
Dim myArray1 As Variant
Dim myArray2 As Variant
Dim sttRow As Long
Dim endRow As Long
Dim maxNo As Long
Const PROsName = "CvtToDate"
maxNo = 25000
Set R = ActiveCell
sttRow = R.Row
colNO = R.Column
endRow = 0
With ActiveSheet
MaxRow = .Cells(Rows.Count, R.Column).End(xlUp).Row
If (MaxRow - sttRow) < maxNo Then
x = 1
x = Application.WorksheetFunction.RoundUp((MaxRow - sttRow) / maxNo, 0)
End If
For x = 1 To x
If sttRow + maxNo > MaxRow Then
endRow = MaxRow
endRow = sttRow + maxNo
End If
myArray1 = .Range(.Cells(sttRow, colNO), .Cells(endRow, colNO))
ReDim myArray2(LBound(myArray1) To UBound(myArray1))
.Range(.Cells(sttRow, colNO), .Cells(endRow, colNO)). _
NumberFormatLocal = "yyyy/m/d"
For i = LBound(myArray1) To UBound(myArray1)
If IsError(myArray1(i, 1)) Then
myArray2(i) = myArray1(i, 1)
ElseIf myArray1(i, 1) <> "" Then
If IsNumeric(myArray1(i, 1)) Then
myArray2(i) = CDate(myArray1(i, 1))
myArray2(i) = myArray1(i, 1)
End If
myArray2(i) = ""
End If
Next i
.Range(.Cells(sttRow, colNO), .Cells(endRow, colNO)) = _
Erase myArray1
Erase myArray2
sttRow = endRow + 1
Next x
End With
Erase myArray1
Erase myArray2
If ActiveWorkbook.Name <> ThisWorkbook.Name Then
Windows(ThisWorkbook.Name).WindowState = xlMinimized
End If
End Sub
' アクティブシートに100万件のNOを付け、
’ 余分な右側を削除する書き方の例
Sub exeNumbering()
Dim i As Long
Dim MaxRow As Long '最終行
Dim MaxCol As Long '最終列
Dim PreSttNo As Long '開始番号を変更できる仕様
Dim noArray() As Variant
With ActiveSheet
MaxRow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row
PreSttNo = 1 - 1 '実際には.Cells(x,y).Value - 1 のように使用
ReDim noArray(100000, 0)
For i = 0 To 100000
noArray(i, 0) = PreSttNo + i + 1
Next i
.Range("A1") = "NO"
.Range(.Cells(2, 1), .Cells(UBound(noArray) + 1, 1)) = noArray
MaxCol = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
.Range(.Columns(MaxCol + 1), .Columns(MaxCol + 1).End(xlToRight)).Delete Shift:=xlToLeft
End With
End Sub
' 選択範囲列分の全角スペースを半角に統一
' 飛び飛びの選択は対応させていない
' 1行目からシートの最終行まで
Sub CvtToHarfSpace()
Dim sltRng As Range
Dim tgtRng As Range
Dim sttCol As Long
Dim endCol As Long
Dim MaxRow As Long
Const PROsName = "CvtToHarfSpace"
With ActiveSheet
With .UsedRange
MaxRow = .Rows(.Rows.Count).Row
End With
Set sltRng = Selection
sttCol = sltRng.Column
endCol = sttCol + sltRng.Columns.Count
Set tgtRng = .Range(.Cells(1, sttCol), .Cells(MaxRow, endCol))
tgtRng.Replace " ", " ", xlPart
End With
If ActiveWorkbook.Name <> ThisWorkbook.Name Then
Windows(ThisWorkbook.Name).WindowState = xlMinimized
End If
End Sub
' 選択範囲列分の半角スペースを全角に統一
' 飛び飛びの選択は対応させていない
' 1行目からシートの最終行まで
Sub CvtToHullSpace()
Dim sltRng As Range
Dim tgtRng As Range
Dim sttCol As Long
Dim endCol As Long
Dim sttRow As Long
Dim MaxRow As Long
Const PROsName = "CvtToHullSpace"
With ActiveSheet
With .UsedRange
MaxRow = .Rows(.Rows.Count).Row
End With
Set sltRng = Selection
sttCol = sltRng.Column
endCol = sttCol + sltRng.Columns.Count
Set tgtRng = .Range(.Cells(1, sttCol), .Cells(MaxRow, endCol))
tgtRng.Replace " ", " ", xlPart
End With
If ActiveWorkbook.Name <> ThisWorkbook.Name Then
Windows(ThisWorkbook.Name).WindowState = xlMinimized
End If
End Sub
' アクティブシートの全セルをトリム
Sub strTrim()
Dim c As Range
Const PROsName = "strTrim"
Application.StatusBar = "トリム中~"
With ActiveSheet
For Each c In .UsedRange
c.Value = Trim(c.Value)
Next c
End With
Application.StatusBar = ""
If ActiveWorkbook.Name <> ThisWorkbook.Name Then
Windows(ThisWorkbook.Name).WindowState = xlMinimized
End If
End Sub
' アクティブシートの図形を消去
Sub delShp()
Dim shp As Shape
Const PROsName = "strTrim"
Application.StatusBar = "図を消去中~"
With ActiveSheet
For Each shp In .UsedRange
Next shp
End With
Application.StatusBar = ""
If ActiveWorkbook.Name <> ThisWorkbook.Name Then
Windows(ThisWorkbook.Name).WindowState = xlMinimized
End If
End Sub
' 目次シートを作成
Sub getSheetTitleList()
Dim wsCont As Worksheet
Dim i As Long
Dim x As Long
On Error GoTo getSheetTitleList_Err
If IsCall = False Then
Call StopUpdating
End If
ErrProsName = "getSheetTitleList"
If IsSht("もくじ") = False Then
Worksheets.Add Before:=Worksheets(1)
ActiveSheet.Name = "もくじ"
End If
Set wsCont = Worksheets("もくじ")
With wsCont
.Range("B1").Value = ActiveWorkbook.Name
.Range("B3").Value = "― もくじ ―"
x = 5
For i = 1 To Sheets.Count
If Worksheets(i).Name <> "もくじ" Then
.Cells(x, 2) = Worksheets(i).Name
If Worksheets(i).Visible Then
.Cells(x, 2).Interior.Color = xlNone
.Hyperlinks.Add anchor:=.Cells(x, 2), Address:="", _
SubAddress:="'" & Worksheets(i).Name & "'" & "!A1", _
.Cells(x, 2).Interior.Color = rgbLightBlue
End If
End If
.Cells(x, 2).Font.Color = vbBlue
x = x + 1
Next i
.Columns("A: A").ColumnWidth = 1.27
End With
If IsCall = False Then
Call Updating
If ActiveWorkbook.Name <> ThisWorkbook.Name Then
Windows(ThisWorkbook.Name).WindowState = xlMinimized
End If
End If
On Error Resume Next
Call ReSetObject
Call Updating
Exit Sub
If Err.Number = 18 Then
If MsgBox("マクロを終了しますか?", vbYesNo) = vbNo Then
End If
MsgBox "実行時エラー:" & Err.Nuer & "" & _
Err.Description & vbCr & _
"処理を終了します。", vbExclamation, ErrProsName
End If
Err.Clear 'エラー情報クリア
GoTo getSheetTitleList_Exit
End Sub
' 文字色変更
Public Sub ChangeColor()
Dim c As Range
Dim Str1 As String
Dim Str2 As String
Dim BfrStr As String
If IsCall = False Then
Call StopUpdating
End If
Str1 = "'"
Str2 = """"
For Each c In ActiveSheet.UsedRange
If c.PrefixCharacter = "'" Then
c.Value = " " & c.Value
c.Characters(Start:=1, _
Length:=Len(c)).Font.Color = 39168
End If
If InStr(c, Str1) > 0 Then
BfrStr = Left(c, InStr(c, Str1) - 1)
If InStr(BfrStr, Str2) = 0 Then
c.Characters(Start:=InStr(c, "'"), _
Length:=Len(c)).Font.Color = 39168
ElseIf InStr(BfrStr, Str2) > 0 Then
If InStrRev(c, Str2) < InStrRev(c, Str1) Then
c.Characters(Start:=InStrRev(c, Str1), _
Length:=Len(c)).Font.Color = 39168
End If
End If
End If
Next c
If IsCall = False Then
Call Updating
If ActiveWorkbook.Name <> ThisWorkbook.Name Then
Windows(ThisWorkbook.Name).WindowState = xlMinimized
End If
End If
End Sub
' TitleSimple
Public Sub TitleSimple()
If IsCall = False Then
Call StopUpdating
End If
Application.PrintCommunication = False
With ActiveSheet.PageSetup
.LeftHeader = "&10&D"
.CenterHeader = "&""-,太字""&12&A"
.RightHeader = "P.&P/&N"
.LeftFooter = ""
.CenterFooter = "&10&F"
.RightFooter = ""
.LeftMargin = Application.CentimetersToPoints(1.2)
.RightMargin = Application.CentimetersToPoints(1.2)
.TopMargin = Application.CentimetersToPoints(1.8)
.BottomMargin = Application.CentimetersToPoints(1.8)
.HeaderMargin = Application.CentimetersToPoints(0.3)
.FooterMargin = Application.CentimetersToPoints(0.3)
End With
With ActiveSheet.Cells
.Font.Name = "Meiryo UI"
.Font.Size = 10
.RowHeight = 18.75
End With
With ActiveSheet
.Columns(1).ColumnWidth = 1.25
.Columns(2).ColumnWidth = 65
.Columns(2).WrapText = True
.Columns(3).ColumnWidth = 1.25
Call ChangeColor
End With
Application.PrintCommunication = True
If ActiveWorkbook.Name <> ThisWorkbook.Name Then
Windows(ThisWorkbook.Name).WindowState = xlMinimized
End If
End Sub
' Title
Public Sub Title()
Dim c As Range
Dim Str1 As String
Dim Str2_1 As String
Dim Str2_2 As String
Dim Str2_3 As String
Dim Str3_1 As String
Dim Str3_2 As String
Dim Str3_3 As String
Dim Str4 As String
Dim Str5 As String
Dim Str6 As String
Dim Str7_1 As String
Dim Str7_2 As String
Dim Str7_3 As String
Dim Str8_1 As String
Dim Str8_2 As String
Dim Str9_1 As String
Dim Str9_2 As String
Dim Str10 As String
If IsCall = False Then
Call StopUpdating
End If
Str1 = "Module"
Str2_1 = "Public Sub"
Str2_2 = "Praivate Sub"
Str2_3 = "Sub"
Str3_1 = "Public Function"
Str3_2 = "Praivate Function"
Str3_3 = "Function"
Str4 = "End Sub"
Str5 = "End Function"
Str6 = "Exit Sub"
Str7_1 = "On Error GoTo"
Str7_2 = "On Error Resume Next"
Str7_3 = "Resume"
Str8_1 = "Exit Sub"
Str8_2 = "Exit"
Str9_1 = "_Err"
Str9_2 = "Error"
Str10 = "Call "
If IsCall = False Then
Call StopUpdating
End If
Application.PrintCommunication = False
With ActiveSheet.PageSetup
.LeftHeader = "&10&D"
.CenterHeader = "&""-,太字""&12&A"
.RightHeader = "P.&P/&N"
.LeftFooter = ""
.CenterFooter = "&10&F"
.RightFooter = ""
.LeftMargin = Application.CentimetersToPoints(1.2)
.RightMargin = Application.CentimetersToPoints(1.2)
.TopMargin = Application.CentimetersToPoints(1.8)
.BottomMargin = Application.CentimetersToPoints(1.8)
.HeaderMargin = Application.CentimetersToPoints(0.3)
.FooterMargin = Application.CentimetersToPoints(0.3)
End With
With ActiveSheet.Cells
.Font.Name = "Meiryo UI"
.Font.Size = 10
.RowHeight = 18.75
End With
With ActiveSheet
.Columns(1).ColumnWidth = 1.25
.Columns(2).ColumnWidth = 65
.Columns(2).WrapText = True
.Columns(3).ColumnWidth = 1.25
End With
For Each c In ActiveSheet.UsedRange
Select Case True
'Str1 = "Module"
Case Left(Trim(c), Len(Str1)) = Str1
c.Font.Color = vbWhite
c.Resize(1, 3).Offset(0, -1).Interior.Color = rgbMidnightBlue
'Str2_1 = "Public Sub"
Case Left(Trim(c), Len(Str2_1)) = Str2_1
c.Font.Color = vbWhite
c.Resize(1, 3).Offset(0, -1).Interior.Color = rgbDarkTurquoise
'Str2_2 = "Praivate Sub"
Case Left(Trim(c), Len(Str2_2)) = Str2_2
c.Font.Color = vbWhite
c.Resize(1, 3).Offset(0, -1).Interior.Color = rgbDarkTurquoise
'Str2_3 = "Sub"
Case Left(Trim(c), Len(Str2_3)) = Str2_3
c.Font.Color = vbWhite
c.Resize(1, 3).Offset(0, -1).Interior.Color = rgbDarkTurquoise
'Str3_1 = "Public Function"
Case Left(Trim(c), Len(Str3_1)) = Str3_1
c.Font.Color = vbWhite
c.Resize(1, 3).Offset(0, -1).Interior.Color = rgbMediumSlateBlue
'Str3_2 = "Praivate Function"
Case Left(Trim(c), Len(Str3_2)) = Str3_2
c.Font.Color = vbWhite
c.Resize(1, 3).Offset(0, -1).Interior.Color = rgbMediumSlateBlue
'Str3_3 = "Function"
Case Left(Trim(c), Len(Str3_3)) = Str3_3
c.Font.Color = vbWhite
c.Resize(1, 3).Offset(0, -1).Interior.Color = rgbMediumSlateBlue
'Str4 = "End Sub"
Case InStr(c.Value, Str4) > 0
c.Font.Color = vbWhite
c.Resize(1, 3).Offset(0, -1).Interior.Color = rgbDarkSeaGreen
'Str5 = "End Function"
Case InStr(c.Value, Str5) > 0
c.Font.Color = vbWhite
c.Resize(1, 3).Offset(0, -1).Interior.Color = rgbLavender
'Str6 = "Exit Sub"
Case InStr(c.Value, Str6) > 0
c.Font.Color = vbWhite
c.Resize(1, 3).Offset(0, -1).Interior.Color = rgbSilver
'Str7_1 = "On Error GoTo"
Case InStr(c.Value, Str7_1) > 0
c.Font.Color = vbWhite
c.Resize(1, 3).Offset(0, -1).Interior.Color = rgbAzure
'Str7_2 = "On Error Resume Next"
Case InStr(c.Value, Str7_2) > 0
c.Font.Color = vbWhite
c.Resize(1, 3).Offset(0, -1).Interior.Color = rgbAzure
'Str7_3 = "Resume"
Case InStr(c.Value, Str7_3) > 0
c.Font.Color = vbWhite
c.Resize(1, 3).Offset(0, -1).Interior.Color = rgbAzure
'Str8_1 = "Exit Sub"
Case InStr(c.Value, Str8_1) > 0
c.Font.Color = vbWhite
c.Resize(1, 3).Offset(0, -1).Interior.Color = rgbLightGrey
'Str8_2 = "Exit"
Case InStr(c.Value, Str8_2) > 0
c.Font.Color = vbWhite
c.Resize(1, 3).Offset(0, -1).Interior.Color = rgbLightGrey
'Str9_1 = "_Err"
Case InStr(c.Value, Str9_1) > 0
c.Font.Color = vbWhite
c.Resize(1, 3).Offset(0, -1).Interior.Color = rgbPaleGoldenrod
'Str9_2 = "Error"
Case InStr(c.Value, Str9_2) > 0
c.Font.Color = vbWhite
c.Resize(1, 3).Offset(0, -1).Interior.Color = rgbPaleGoldenrod
'Str10 = "Call "
Case Left(Trim(c), Len(Str10)) = Str10
c.Font.Color = vbWhite
c.Resize(1, 3).Offset(0, -1).Interior.Color = rgbLavenderBlush
End Select
Next c
Call ChangeColor
Application.PrintCommunication = True
If IsCall = False Then
Call Updating
If ActiveWorkbook.Name <> ThisWorkbook.Name Then
Windows(ThisWorkbook.Name).WindowState = xlMinimized
End If
End If
End Sub
' Title セル幅設定なし
Public Sub TitleColor()
Dim c As Range
Dim Str1 As String
Dim Str2_1 As String
Dim Str2_2 As String
Dim Str2_3 As String
Dim Str3_1 As String
Dim Str3_2 As String
Dim Str3_3 As String
Dim Str4 As String
Dim Str5 As String
Dim Str6 As String
Dim Str7_1 As String
Dim Str7_2 As String
Dim Str7_3 As String
Dim Str8_1 As String
Dim Str8_2 As String
Dim Str9_1 As String
Dim Str9_2 As String
Dim Str10 As String
If IsCall = False Then
Call StopUpdating
End If
Str1 = "Module"
Str2_1 = "Public Sub"
Str2_2 = "Praivate Sub"
Str2_3 = "Sub"
Str3_1 = "Public Function"
Str3_2 = "Praivate Function"
Str3_3 = "Function"
Str4 = "End Sub"
Str5 = "End Function"
Str6 = "Exit Sub"
Str7_1 = "On Error GoTo"
Str7_2 = "On Error Resume Next"
Str7_3 = "Resume"
Str8_1 = "Exit Sub"
Str8_2 = "Exit"
Str9_1 = "_Err"
Str9_2 = "Error"
Str10 = "Call "
If IsCall = False Then
Call StopUpdating
End If
Application.PrintCommunication = False
With ActiveSheet.PageSetup
.LeftHeader = "&10&D"
.CenterHeader = "&""-,太字""&12&A"
.RightHeader = "P.&P/&N"
.LeftFooter = ""
.CenterFooter = "&10&F"
.RightFooter = ""
.LeftMargin = Application.CentimetersToPoints(1.2)
.RightMargin = Application.CentimetersToPoints(1.2)
.TopMargin = Application.CentimetersToPoints(1.8)
.BottomMargin = Application.CentimetersToPoints(1.8)
.HeaderMargin = Application.CentimetersToPoints(0.3)
.FooterMargin = Application.CentimetersToPoints(0.3)
End With
With ActiveSheet.Cells
.Font.Name = "Meiryo UI"
.Font.Size = 10
'' .RowHeight = 18.75
End With
With ActiveSheet
'' .Columns(1).ColumnWidth = 1.25
'' .Columns(2).ColumnWidth = 65
'' .Columns(2).WrapText = True
'' .Columns(3).ColumnWidth = 1.25
Call ChangeColor
End With
For Each c In ActiveSheet.UsedRange
Select Case True
'Str1 = "Module"
Case Left(Trim(c), Len(Str1)) = Str1
c.Font.Color = vbWhite
c.Resize(1, 3).Offset(0, -1).Interior.Color = rgbMidnightBlue
'Str2_1 = "Public Sub"
Case Left(Trim(c), Len(Str2_1)) = Str2_1
c.Font.Color = vbWhite
c.Resize(1, 3).Offset(0, -1).Interior.Color = rgbDarkTurquoise
'Str2_2 = "Praivate Sub"
Case Left(Trim(c), Len(Str2_2)) = Str2_2
c.Font.Color = vbWhite
c.Resize(1, 3).Offset(0, -1).Interior.Color = rgbDarkTurquoise
'Str2_3 = "Sub"
Case Left(Trim(c), Len(Str2_3)) = Str2_3
c.Font.Color = vbWhite
c.Resize(1, 3).Offset(0, -1).Interior.Color = rgbDarkTurquoise
'Str3_1 = "Public Function"
Case Left(Trim(c), Len(Str3_1)) = Str3_1
c.Font.Color = vbWhite
c.Resize(1, 3).Offset(0, -1).Interior.Color = rgbMediumSlateBlue
'Str3_2 = "Praivate Function"
Case Left(Trim(c), Len(Str3_2)) = Str3_2
c.Font.Color = vbWhite
c.Resize(1, 3).Offset(0, -1).Interior.Color = rgbMediumSlateBlue
'Str3_3 = "Function"
Case Left(Trim(c), Len(Str3_3)) = Str3_3
c.Font.Color = vbWhite
c.Resize(1, 3).Offset(0, -1).Interior.Color = rgbMediumSlateBlue
'Str4 = "End Sub"
Case InStr(c.Value, Str4) > 0
c.Font.Color = vbWhite
c.Resize(1, 3).Offset(0, -1).Interior.Color = rgbDarkSeaGreen
'Str5 = "End Function"
Case InStr(c.Value, Str5) > 0
c.Font.Color = vbWhite
c.Resize(1, 3).Offset(0, -1).Interior.Color = rgbLavender
'Str6 = "Exit Sub"
Case InStr(c.Value, Str6) > 0
c.Font.Color = vbWhite
c.Resize(1, 3).Offset(0, -1).Interior.Color = rgbSilver
'Str7_1 = "On Error GoTo"
Case InStr(c.Value, Str7_1) > 0
c.Font.Color = vbWhite
c.Resize(1, 3).Offset(0, -1).Interior.Color = rgbAzure
'Str7_2 = "On Error Resume Next"
Case InStr(c.Value, Str7_2) > 0
c.Font.Color = vbWhite
c.Resize(1, 3).Offset(0, -1).Interior.Color = rgbAzure
'Str7_3 = "Resume"
Case InStr(c.Value, Str7_3) > 0
c.Font.Color = vbWhite
c.Resize(1, 3).Offset(0, -1).Interior.Color = rgbAzure
'Str8_1 = "Exit Sub"
Case InStr(c.Value, Str8_1) > 0
c.Font.Color = vbWhite
c.Resize(1, 3).Offset(0, -1).Interior.Color = rgbLightGrey
'Str8_2 = "Exit"
Case InStr(c.Value, Str8_2) > 0
c.Font.Color = vbWhite
c.Resize(1, 3).Offset(0, -1).Interior.Color = rgbLightGrey
'Str9_1 = "_Err"
Case InStr(c.Value, Str9_1) > 0
c.Font.Color = vbWhite
c.Resize(1, 3).Offset(0, -1).Interior.Color = rgbPaleGoldenrod
'Str9_2 = "Error"
Case InStr(c.Value, Str9_2) > 0
c.Font.Color = vbWhite
c.Resize(1, 3).Offset(0, -1).Interior.Color = rgbPaleGoldenrod
'Str10 = "Call "
Case Left(Trim(c), Len(Str10)) = Str10
c.Font.Color = vbWhite
c.Resize(1, 3).Offset(0, -1).Interior.Color = rgbLavenderBlush
End Select
Next c
Call ChangeColor
Application.PrintCommunication = True
If IsCall = False Then
Call Updating
If ActiveWorkbook.Name <> ThisWorkbook.Name Then
Windows(ThisWorkbook.Name).WindowState = xlMinimized
End If
End If
End Sub
' 全シートA1に画面スクロール
Sub exeAllA1()
Dim i As Long
Call StopUpdating
Call showStatus("セルA1 画面セット中")
With ActiveWorkbook
On Error Resume Next
For i = .Sheets.Count To 1 Step -1
With .Worksheets(i)
If .Visible Then
Application.Goto reference:=Range("A1"), _
End If
End With
Next i
On Error GoTo 0
End With
Call Updating
If ActiveWorkbook.Name <> ThisWorkbook.Name Then
Windows(ThisWorkbook.Name).WindowState = xlMinimized
End If
End Sub
' 最右シートに移動
Sub GotoLstSht()
Dim i As Long
Call StopUpdating
With ActiveWorkbook
On Error Resume Next
For i = 1 To .Worksheets.Count
If .Worksheets(i).Visible = True Then
Application.Goto reference:=Range("A1"), _
Exit For
End If
Next i
On Error GoTo 0
End With
Call Updating
If ActiveWorkbook.Name <> ThisWorkbook.Name Then
Windows(ThisWorkbook.Name).WindowState = xlMinimized
End If
End Sub
' 登録した印章画像を選択範囲に押印
Sub AddPictureSampLinkPaste()
Dim myFileName As String
Dim myShape As Shape
Dim myC As Range
Dim myTop As Double
Dim myLeft As Double
myFileName = "C:\Users\XXX\画像\猫田印.png"
Set myC = ActiveCell
myTop = myC.Top + (myC.Height - 34) / 2
myLeft = myC.Left + (myC.Width - 34) / 2
'--(1) 選択位置に画像ファイルを挿入し、変数myShapeに格納
Set myShape = ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddPicture( _
FileName:=myFileName, _
LinkToFile:=True, _
SaveWithDocument:=False, _
Left:=myLeft, _
Top:=myTop, _
Width:=0, _
'--(2) 挿入した画像に対して元画像と同じ高さ・幅にする
With myShape
.ScaleHeight 1, msoTrue
.ScaleWidth 1, msoTrue
End With
End Sub
' 連番の記入 数値、日にち
Sub exeSerialNo()
With ActiveSheet
.Cells(1, 1).Select
' ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "1"
' .Cells(1, 1).DataSeries Rowcol:=xlRows, Type:=xlLinear, Date:=xlDay, Step _
:=1, Stop:=1000, Trend:=False
' .Cells(1, 1).DataSeries Rowcol:=xlColumns, Type:=xlLinear, Date:=xlDay, _
Step:=1, Stop:=30000, Trend:=False
.Cells(1, 1).FormulaR1C1 = "11/22/2023"
.Cells(1, 1).DataSeries Rowcol:=xlColumns, Type:=xlChronological, Date:= _
xlDay, Step:=1, Stop:=#12/31/2023#, Trend:=False
End With
End Sub
Sub useEx()
Call assignSerialNo("I5", 1000)
End Sub
' 連番の記入
' 引数1:スタートレンジ
' 引数2:連続数
' Call assignSerialNo("I5", 1000)
Sub assignSerialNo(strRng As String, srlNo As Long)
With Range(strRng)
.Value = "1"
.AutoFill .Resize(srlNo), xlFillSeries
End With
End Sub
' 連番の記入
Sub asgnSerialNo()
With Range("F5")
' .Value = "A-101"
.Value = "1"
.AutoFill .Resize(30000), xlFillSeries
End With
End Sub
' 連続した日にちの記入
Sub asgnSerialDate()
' '日にちが増える
' With Range("F5")
' .Value = "2021/4/1"
' .AutoFill .Resize(5), xlFillSeries
' End With
With Range("G5")
.Value = "2021/4/1"
.AutoFill .Resize(5), xlFillMonths
End With
With Range("H5")
.Value = "2021/4/1"
.AutoFill .Resize(5), xlFillYears
End With
End Sub