
Excel VBA Base Book

Base Procedure Set 2(実行時間記入)

  1. 下記ボックス内をコピーし、標準モジュールに貼り付ける。
  2. モジュール名を【B01_Tool】に変更する。
Option Explicit 
'================================================= ' 64bit : Sleep使用のおまじない ' Sleep 1000            '1秒 Public Declare PtrSafe Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwmilliseconds As Long) '================================================= ' +++********************************************************+++ ' 【Main】シート 作業開始時間記入 '  引数1:範囲       '例:"B2" ' +++********************************************************+++ Public Function InputStt(strRng As String) Application.ScreenUpdating = True '画面描画再開 ThisWorkbook.Activate With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Main") .Select With Range(strRng) .Select .Interior.Color = RGB(255, 255, 102) '淡い黄色 .Value = " 作業中" & Format(Time, "hh:mm: ss") & " ~" End With End With Sleep 500 Call exeBreak End Function ' +++********************************************************+++ ' 【Main】シート 作業終了時間記入 '  引数1:範囲       '例:"B2" '  引数2:実行時間 ' +++********************************************************+++ Public Function InputEnd(strRng As String, exeTime As Date) Application.ScreenUpdating = True '画面描画再開 ThisWorkbook.Activate With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Main") .Select With .Range(strRng) .Value = Format(Now, "yyyy/mm/dd hh:nn") .Interior.Color = xlNone '背景色無色 .Select .Offset(0, 2) = Format(exeTime, "h:mm: ss") End With End With Sleep 500 Call exeBreak End Function ' +++********************************************************+++ ' 【Main】シート エラー発生時間、作業時間 記入 '  引数1:範囲       '例:"B2" '  引数2:実行時間 ' +++********************************************************+++ Public Function InputErr(strRng As String) Application.ScreenUpdating = True '画面描画再開 ThisWorkbook.Activate With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Main") .Select With Range(strRng) .Value = Format(Now, "yyyy/mm/dd hh: nn") .Interior.Color = rgbLightPink ' 背景色淡いピンク .Select .Offset(0, 2) = "エラー終了" End With End With Sleep 500 Call exeBreak End Function ' +++********************************************************+++ ' ■作業開始時間 記入 '  引数1:シート名 '  引数2:範囲       '例:"B2" '  引数3:実行メニュー名  '例:"省略中" ' +++********************************************************+++ Public Function InputSttSht(shtName As String, strRng As String, _ myProcd As String) Application.ScreenUpdating = True '画面描画再開 ThisWorkbook.Activate With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(shtName) .Select With Range(strRng) .Select .Interior.Color = RGB(255, 255, 102) '淡い黄色 .Value = myProcd & " 中" & Format(Time, " ss") & " ~" End With End With Sleep 500 Call exeBreak End Function ' +++********************************************************+++ ' ■作業終了時間 記入 '  引数1:シート名 '  引数2:範囲       '例:"B2" '  引数3:実行メニュー名  '例:"省略中" ' +++********************************************************+++ Public Function InputEndSht(shtName As String, strRng As String, _ myProcd As String, exeTime As Date) Application.ScreenUpdating = True '画面描画再 ThisWorkbook.Activate With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(shtName) .Select With .Range(strRng) .Value = myProcd & "完了" & vbCrLf & _ Format(Now, "yyyy/mm/dd hh:nn") & _ " 実行時間 " & Format(exeTime, "h: mm: ss") .Interior.Color = rgbGhostWhite '淡い グレー .Select End With End With Sleep 500 Call exeBreak End Function ' +++********************************************************+++ ' ■ Endエラーメッセージ 記入 '  引数1:シート名 '  引数2:範囲       '例:"B2" '  引数3:実行メニュー名  '例:"省略中" ' +++********************************************************+++ Public Function InputErrShtEnd(shtName As String, strRng As String, _ myProcd As String) Application.ScreenUpdating = True '画面描画再開 ThisWorkbook.Activate With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(shtName) .Select With .Range(strRng) .Select .Value = Format(Now, "yyyy/mm/dd hh:nn") .Interior.Color = vbRed '背景色赤 .Value = " エラー終了 " & myProcd End With End With Sleep 500 Call exeBreak End Function ' +++********************************************************+++ ' ■ エラーメッセージ 記入 '  引数1:シート名 '  引数2:範囲       '例:"B2" '  引数3:実行メニュー名  '例:"省略中" ' +++********************************************************+++ Public Function InputErrSht(shtName As String, strRng As String, _ myProcd As String) Application.ScreenUpdating = True '画面描画再開 ThisWorkbook.Activate With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(shtName) .Select With .Range(strRng) .Value = myProcd & " エラー終了" .Interior.Color = rgbLightPink '背景色淡いピンク .Select End With End With Sleep 500 Call exeBreak End Function ' +++********************************************************+++ ' ■ メッセージレンジにメッセージ入力 '  引数1:シート名 '  引数2:範囲       '例:"B2" '  引数3:実行メニュー名  '例:"省略中" ' +++********************************************************+++ Public Function InputMsg(shtName As String, strRng As String, _ myMsg As String) Application.ScreenUpdating = True '画面描画再開開 ThisWorkbook.Activate With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(shtName) .Select With .Range(strRng) .Value = myMsg .Interior.Color = rgbLightPink '背景色淡いピンク .Select End With End With Sleep 500 Call exeBreak End Function ' +++********************************************************+++ ' ■ メッセージレンジを空白にする '  引数1:シート名 '  引数2:範囲       '例:"B2" ' +++********************************************************+++ Public Function InputResume(shtName As String, strRng As String) Application.ScreenUpdating = True '画面描画再開開 ThisWorkbook.Activate With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(shtName) .Select With .Range(strRng) .Value = "" .Interior.Color = xlNone '背景色無色 .Select End With End With Sleep 500 Call exeBreak End Function ' +++********************************************************+++ ' 全シート再計算を走らせないようにするコード ' +++********************************************************+++ Sub SetNotCalcAll() Dim i As Long Application.StatusBar = "再計算をさせない処理中" Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual With ThisWorkbook For i = 1 To .Worksheets.Count '【Main】シートの場合 If .Worksheets(i).Name = "Main" Then .Worksheets(i).EnableCalculation = True '【Main】シート以外の場合 Else .Worksheets(i).EnableCalculation = False End If Next i End With End Sub ' +++********************************************************+++ ' 全シート計算可能にするコード ' +++********************************************************+++ Sub SetCalcAll() Dim i As Long Application.StatusBar = "再計算可能に変更処理中" Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual With ThisWorkbook For i = 1 To .Worksheets.Count '【Main】シートの場合 If .Worksheets(i).Name = "Main" Then .Worksheets(i).EnableCalculation = True '【Main】シート以外の場合 Else .Worksheets(i).EnableCalculation = True '.Worksheets(i).Calculate '場合によって実行 End If Next i End With End Sub

